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Poppy born in 2016
Tulip born in 2016
Domino born in 2015 kept from my own breeders
Scale pic to show his size at age 2 - Original dated pic on Facebook
Scale pic to show his size at age 1 - Original dated pic on Facebook
Pepper born in 2016

My sold Mini Pigs are all staying small if fed properly. I have documented weights and pics from my customers posted on Facebook for everyone to see. There are no weight guarantees on any animal. All I can do is go off the parents size and all the sold pigs I have been tracking throughout the years. I will give you feeding advice. If you follow it your pig will be extremely small. To be honest I have not seen smaller pigs than mine that's why my waiting list is so long and I've never had to post a piglet for sale.


Adult Pot Belly Pigs average weight is 150-250 pounds or more so there is a huge difference between a full sized Pot Belly and my Mini Pigs. Be careful though Breeders that are producing 149 pound pigs are still selling Mini Pigs.


Adult Farm Hogs average weight can exceed 1,000 pounds.

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