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  • Micro Mini’s have a rather long life span they can live up to 18 years.  

  • Pigs are fourth down on the intelligence scale - human, primates, dolphins/whales, pigs.  

  • Micro Mini’s do not have fur (they have hair) 

  • Micro Mini’s are about 95% hypoallergenic

  • One of the cleanest animals on earth 

  • Litter box trained - Use pine shavings or pellets from your feed store (cat litter can be toxic). 

  • Easily trained to do tricks 

  • Wonderful loving companion & strong human bonding

  • Harness Trained 

  • Pigs will make several different types of sounds to communicate:

Grunting:Usually the noise a mother pig makes when feeding her young.                        

Barking: A warning of danger nearby.                                                                          

Squealing: A sign of anticipation (usually when about to be fed) or pain.                            

A quiet panting: Usually the pigs way of saying “hello” or being friendly.                          

A rough coughing noise: Usually means your pig is annoyed about something.

Red Flags 

1.) Breeding pigs – It's essential that breeding pigs have a long tail tassel. A lack of this could suggest the pig is very young and may not actually be a Miniature pig.

2.) Breeder credentials – All breeders should have a website showcasing pictures of their breeding pigs, photos of adult pigs sold to customers, and customer testimonials. Be cautious of new breeders with no history of sold pigs. Don’t be swayed by a cute piglet photo with decorative props in the background—while piglets are always adorable, it’s important to know what the piglet will look like as an adult. If a breeder can’t provide pictures of adult pigs produced by their breeding pair, especially pigs from 2-3 years old, you should look elsewhere. While it’s great to see breeding pigs, how can you be sure that's the actual breeder, or that the pigs are the correct age? The only way to be sure is to see photos of sold adult pigs. Don’t rely on what you’re told or read online—judge based on what you can verify with your own eyes.

3.) Beware of breeders breeding multiple types of animals – Breeders who focus on many different species often do so purely for profit. This typically means the piglets won’t receive the attention and clean environment they need, leading to issues like being overly vocal, not litter box trained, and less friendly.

4.) Weight guarantee – This is just a sales tactic. No breeder can accurately guarantee the weight of any animal. Read the fine print of any weight guarantee and you’ll see that no one will ever qualify for a refund.

5.) Bottle feeding – If a breeder is bottle feeding piglets, that’s a red flag. Bottle feeding should only happen if something has happened to the mother. Piglets need the antibodies from their mother’s milk to be healthy. Never purchase an unweaned piglet—without proper weaning, a piglet has only a 50/50 chance of survival. Piglets must be weaned off milk and cereal before leaving the mother.

6.) Signs of a regular Pot Belly pig – If a young piglet already has a hanging belly, it may be a regular Pot Belly pig, not a Mini. If the bloodline is unknown, it’s hard to confirm if the pig is truly a Mini, as all piglets tend to be a similar size when they’re young.

7.) No waiting list – If a breeder has no waiting list and is posting classified ads everywhere, that’s a major red flag.

8.) Juliana pigs – Juliana pigs have been endangered multiple times, and a 100% pure Juliana is very rare. Both parents must have spotted markings and documented lineage. If not, the pig doesn't qualify as a true Juliana. Be wary of breeders selling pigs with a registration paper—they can register any pig, even if it doesn’t meet the breed standards. True Juliana pigs should have random, profuse spotting (not piebald) and should not exceed a certain weight. Be cautious of breeders selling large "registered" Juliana pigs, as the paperwork doesn't guarantee their authenticity.

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