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Here are some photos of pigs that have been sold from each of my breeders, so you can see that all my adults are capable of producing small pigs. This is possible thanks to their small genetics and proper feeding.

One of the most common questions I get is, "What is the right amount of feed for your pigs?" The truth is, feed amounts depend on the pig's activity level and body structure. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. The pigs on my page range in age from newborn piglets to over 14 years old. For some of them, I’ve been documenting their growth since the day they were born to provide a detailed record of their development.

This long-term documentation helps ensure that each pig is receiving the proper care and nutrition based on its individual needs, allowing them to grow in a healthy and balanced way.

Violet born in 2013


6.3 pounds

    Same age


  1 Year

from my     farm

  2 Years not

   from my         farm

    Mini Pig from Oregon

          42 pounds

    Isabella Boo Boo from my farm       


8.6 pounds


  Over 2

Years old


1 Year

  1 Year

9 pounds


2 years old


8 Months

2.6 pounds


11.2  pounds


22 Months

7.13 pounds

When you first bring your piglet home, I will guide you on the amount of food your piglet needs based on its size. You can divide the food into smaller servings throughout the day. I recommend not setting specific feeding times, as baby pigs tend to want to eat whenever they're hungry, which is pretty much 24/7. It’s essential to never withhold food or water, but also be careful not to overfeed. Mini pigs should be healthy—not too skinny, but also not overweight.


It’s very important to never feed your pig table scraps, caffeine, salt, chocolate, avocado, or dog food, as their bodies are too small to handle these foods. Additionally, there are many toxic plants, so please review the list of poisonous plants I will provide before allowing your pig to play outside. This will ensure your pig stays both safe and healthy.

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